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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, yummy things, and my lifestyle choices. Hope you enjoy!

Honeymoon Road Trip Part 1

After planning a million different versions of our honeymoon, Brice and I decided on a road trip to Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. This way nothing could prevent us from having our Honeymoon! I will break our trip up into 3 different blogs focusing on each stop we made. Stop one: Little Rock, Arkansas.

Never would I ever have thought Arkansas was a place I’d spent part of my honeymoon. However, we were told the Ozark National Forest was beautiful and well worth the drive. So we decided to make that our first stop of the road trip. From Houston to Little Rock the drive was about 8 hours long. We decided to stay in Little Rock and make the day trip out to the Ozark so we wouldn’t have as far to drive when we left.

We got into town right in time for some dinner and decided to eat at our hotel, The Marriott, that was right on the river. We had a beautiful view from our room! We woke up early to make our day trip out to the Ozark National Forest and let me tell you, I wish we could have had days to explore and camp, it was so beautiful! We chose to drive up Mt. Magazine and there was a gorgeous spot to stop at a lookout and see some breathtaking views. We drove to the visitor center to park our car and hiked along some of the trails. Because it was November and practically freezing we were the only ones on our trail. We found this beautiful pond surrounded by huge trees. It was such a peaceful day that the two of us got to enjoy uninterrupted!

We made our way back to Little Rock and decided to explore downtown a bit. Due to covid a lot of places seemed to be closed or have modified hours. However, we found a restaurant that didn’t have to long of a wait called Samantha’s Tap Room & Wood Grill. It was definitely worth the wait! The food was incredible, Brice and I shared the bacon wrapped quail and the grilled bone-in pork chop; we devoured it! For dessert we couldn’t decide and our server recommended the liege waffle, which comes topped with banana slices and caramel, and to add vanilla bean ice cream on top. We were in dessert heaven!

After dinner we headed back to our hotel to get ready for our next destination- Nashville! It was a very quick stay in Little Rock, but we had so much fun getting to explore!

Honeymoon Road Trip Part 2

A Weekend in the Hill Country