
Hello there, my name is Katelyn!

I am the mind behind this lifestyle blog! I decided to create this space to share all of my adventures and the truth of my day to days and the fact that I’m almost ALWAYS late. What can I say? I’m a dreamer! I truly believe life should be filled with what makes you happy; writing makes me happy and getting to share my experiences with you here!

 I’m 29 years old and currently living in Houston, Tx. I attended Texas State and received a Bachelors in Creative Writing; Eat ‘em up Cats! After undergrad I moved to England to pursue my Masters in Film & Tv Production. I spent 18 months there and was so blessed to travel and learn about some of the incredible places this world has to offer. Once my time there ended I moved to Austin for about 2 years. Somehow life has brought me back to Houston and I couldn’t be happier!

I love to travel, eat great foods, binge the latest shows, and enjoy new things in my city. I’m blessed to have an amazing partner in life, Brice, and our doggos, Ranger & Crosby. When I’m not working my 8 to 5 I’m often with my family and friends, at the dog park, or seeing what’s new on Netflix.

This blog is all about being real and embracing life. I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know a little about me and will stay tuned for my posts!